Youth and Family Resources
Bible Study Websites resources with different Bible versions, commentaries, dictionaries, and journaling area.
NET is part of the larger website. Its default translation is the New English Translation, which is a decent translation, but it also has other translations. Provides Greek and Hebrew text and well as good translation notes, and a decent commentary.
Blue Letter Bible--A great resource with many translations and a wealth of resources for study.
Apologetics Websites--to help defend the faith
Sean McDowell YouTube Channel--Videos from apologists Sean McDowell--all relatively short and theologically sound.
Josh McDowell YouTube Channel--Videos from well-known apologist Josh McDowell on apologetics and relationships. Author of Evidence That Demands a Verdict and More Than a Carpenter
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry--Huge amount of resources for apologetics. Some of their criticisms are harsh but overall they are sound and very useful.
Christian said on their website, this is a MEGA site with 100,000's text files.
Dr. Craig Lane Videos--Reasonable faith is the name of Dr. William Craig Lane's YouTube channel. He is one of the foremost, scholarly apologists of our day, and the site contains video of varying links.
One Minute Apologist--Short (well one minute) videos, podcasts, and blogs on apologetics and other Christian topic.
Impact 360 Videos--Videos by the youth organization Impact 360.
Parenting Websites
Home Word Resources--Family resources from Asuza Pacific University.
Center for Parent/Youth Understanding--Various resources for parents, including ones related to modern culture.
Focus on the Family--This organization has been providing resources to families for decades
Parenting Today's Teens--Mark Gregston brings his decades of experience with teens to help parents and teens build deeper relationships and address some particular problems that enter into the parent/child relationship in the teen years.
Other Websites
I Am Second--Videos of testimonies of well-known people about following Christ.
GodTube--YouTube for Christian. A collection of Christian videos from music to ministry to comedy to inspiration to sermons.
NAMB Students--Information from the North American Mission Board about mission opportunities for students.
Dare2Share--Tools and advice on how to share your faith.
Plugged In--Focus on the Family’s review of movies, books, TV, music and games.
Covenant Eyes--Information and help for overcoming addiction to porn as well as software to help monitor computers.